Industrial Enterprise Act 2076

Business and Registration Guide The law governing Registration procedure/steps, applicable registration authority and pre/post operational compliance of Industries in Nepal is the Industrial Enterprises Act,2020. For the business operation, the enterprise needs to get registered as an Industry at the concerned Government Authority.     The Industrial Enterprise Act, 2020 has classified enterprises into 5 […]

Business and Registration Guide

The law governing Registration procedure/steps, applicable registration authority and pre/post operational compliance of Industries in Nepal is the Industrial Enterprises Act,2020. For the business operation, the enterprise needs to get registered as an Industry at the concerned Government Authority.


Industrial Enterprises Act 2020


The Industrial Enterprise Act, 2020 has classified enterprises into 5 categories:

  1.     Micro Industries
  2.     Cottage Industries
  3.     Small Industries
  4.     Medium Industries
  5.     Large Industries

The general classification of Industry is based on: (a)size of Investment on the capital, (b) nature/sector of business and (c) Number of employees. Following are the details of classification of an Industry under the mentioned Act.