A biogas plant in Dhangadhi operates at full capacity

The biogas plant, built at a cost of Rs 208.4 million under the ‘Best to Energy Project’ of the Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC), has been operational since last year. AEPC invested 40% in the project while the Dev Training and Management Service Center put 60%
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A biogas plant has started operating at full capacity in Dhangadhi Sub-metropolitan City. Installed at Santoshi Tole, Dhangadhi-2, the plant is established in partnership with the Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC) and the Dev Training and Management Service Center. The management center has been managing 30,000 kg of decomposing and odorous waste daily now.

According to Rabin Kant Pant, operator of the Dev Center, the Dhangadhi Sub-metropolitan City supplies 8,000 kg of daily waste. The remaining waste is collected from cowsheds, poultry farms, and other local sources. The biogas plant processes a variety of rotten materials, including vegetables, food scraps, rotten fruits, cow dung, chicken droppings, and other waste to produce biogas and organic fertilizer.

Pan reported that the biogas plant processes 30,000 kg of waste daily, producing 3,500 kg of organic fertilizer and 1,000 kg of biomethane gas every day. The company is working to market the gas, with plans underway to deliver it to households via a pipeline, in collaboration with the provincial government.

Built at a cost of Rs 208.4 million under the Alternative Energy Promotion Center’s ‘Best to Energy Project,’ the plant has been operational since last year. Pant explained that 40% of the total cost was funded by the Alternative Energy Promotion Center, while 60% was invested by the Dev Training and Management Center. The land for the plant was provided by the sub-metropolitan city.

Since its operation, the biogas plant has significantly eased the waste management process for the sub-metropolitan. At full capacity, the plant is producing 1,000 kg of gas daily from the 30,000 kg of waste it processes.

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