Two upscaling programs for Nepali digital businesses launched

The DIGI Nepal Fintech Challenge program is for fintech companies and the TechX for businesses working in health and education sectors.

The Digital Innovation for Growth and Inclusion in Nepal (DIGI Nepal) project has launched two separate upscaling programs for Nepali businesses in the country’s fintech, and education and health sectors.

The applications for both programs, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), have been called, issuing separate press releases on Wednesday.

The DIGI Nepal Fintech Challenge program primarily focuses on promoting digital innovation in the country’s fintech sector by providing funded technical assistance to help participants refine their business models and products, said the press release.

Under this program, implemented by True North Associates — a Nepali private equity and venture capital firm, five applicants will be selected and offered hands-on business model and product refinement workshops. Besides, mentorship and networking opportunities with investors and industry stakeholders, and potential access to Swiss experts will be ensured.

In a separate press release issued the same day, Accelerator Nepal — the implementing partner for another DIGI Nepal program — confirmed the launch of TechX. It is a 12-month-long acceleration program for businesses in the health and education sectors. This program aims to “improve access to” their services by providing them with business development support and potential funding opportunities.

Under this program, eight applicants will be selected and offered need-based technical assistance and customised master classes facilitated by industry experts. Furthermore, mentorship and advisory from seasoned professionals, opportunities for networking, pitching, and potential access to grant-based co-funding will also be provided, said the press release.

Accelerator Nepal is an organisation that collaborates with development partners and private sector enterprises to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem and promote sustainable development in the country.

Additionally, one digital tech company under both programs will be selected to pilot its innovation in the market. It will most likely receive co-funding grants from SDC to support its go-to-market plan.

You can find application forms here: DIGI Nepal Fintech Challenge and TechX

The deadline for applying to the Fintech Challenge program is August 31, 2024, and the TechX program is September 15, 2024.

Republished from the_farsight