30 questions to ask yourself before embarking on your business journey

Before you take the leap into entrepreneurship, it is essential to thoroughly assess your business idea and its feasibility in the Nepali market. By asking yourself these 30 crucial questions, you can better understand your motivations, identify potential roadblocks, and set yourself up for success.
Business questions |Source: Image by sentavio on Freepik

Embarking on the journey of starting a Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Nepal can be both exhilarating and challenging.

Before you take the leap into entrepreneurship, it is essential to thoroughly assess your business idea and its feasibility in the Nepali market. By asking yourself these 30 crucial questions, you can better understand your motivations, identify potential roadblocks, and set yourself up for success.

Business Idea-Market Understanding


  1. What is my business idea, and how does it fulfill a gap in the market?
  2. Have I conducted thorough market research to validate the demand for my product or service?
  3. Who are the target audience for my business, and do I understand their needs and preferences?
  4. How will I differentiate my business from existing competitors in Nepal?
  1. Do I have the necessary skills and experience to run an MSME in Nepal?
  2. Am I prepared for the time and effort required to build and grow a successful business?
  3. How will I manage my work-life balance as an MSME owner?
  4. Am I mentally and emotionally prepared to face the uncertainties and challenges of entrepreneurship?


Finance-Business Model

  1. Do I have a clear and well-defined business plan that outlines my goals and strategies?
  2. What are my long-term goals for the business, and how will I measure success?
  3. What is my exit strategy if I decide to sell or close the business in the future?
  1. How will I manage the financial aspects of my business, including cash flow and expenses?
  2. Have I assessed the initial investment required and do I have access to funding sources?
  3. Have I analyzed the potential profitability and sustainability of my business model?

Business Management


  1. How will I handle HR and employee management, if applicable?
  2. What technology and infrastructure will I need to run my business efficiently?
  3. How will I market and promote my products or services to reach my target customers effectively?
  4. Do I have access to a reliable supply chain for my products or raw materials?
  5. How will I maintain quality control in my products or services?
  1. Will I be running the business alone or with partners? What are the implications of each option?
  2. Have I explored potential partnerships or collaborations with other businesses?
  3. How will I stay updated on industry trends and changes in the Nepali market?
  4. Do I have a support system or mentorship to guide me through the entrepreneurial journey?
  5. Have I received feedback and advice from experienced entrepreneurs or professionals in the field?



  1. Have I identified potential risks and challenges that my business might face?
  2. Do I have a contingency plan in case my business faces unexpected setbacks?
  1. What are the legal requirements and regulations for starting and operating my MSME?
  2. What are the tax implications and incentives for MSMEs in Nepal?
  3. Have I considered the environmental and social impacts of my business operations?
  4. What are the local cultural norms and business practices that I need to be aware of?

Starting an MSME requires careful consideration, planning, and a deep understanding of the local market and regulations.

By honestly answering these 30 essential questions, you will gain valuable insights and be better equipped to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape successfully.

Remember, taking the time to evaluate your business idea and personal readiness is the foundation for building a resilient and thriving MSME in Nepal.