An incubator program for Lumbini province-based MSMEs and startups announced

Each year, selected 10 enterprises will receive a pre-seed fund (about EUR 2,777 per enterprise) to boost their circular solutions and business model .

Impact Hub Kathmandu has announced applications for Lumbini Province based MSMEs and startups for its Roots of Circularity (RoC) Incubator Program 2024. 

The program will offer 10 enterprises based in the Lumbini Province with support to develop circular business models. Each enterprise will receive financial support in the form of a pre-seed fund (about 2,777 Euros) during the program along with monthly masterclasses and coaching sessions and networking and collaboration opportunities. 

Deadline for the submission to apply is 10th September, 2024.

What is a circular economy?

A circular economy is an economic model aimed at minimising waste and maximising the use of resources by keeping products, materials, and resources in use for as long as possible. 

The program contains two phases. 

The first phase of the incubator program — ideation and incubation (8 months) comprises  two masterclasses and one to one coaching session every month. 

The second phase — pre-acceleration will last for 3 months. In this phase, one or two incubates from the cohort will move to the pre-acceleration phase while moving forward will depend upon their need and interest.

The program prioritises startups and MSMEs led by women, youth and marginalised groups such as underrepresented communities and ethnicities (dalit, LGBTQIA+ amongst others). Out of the 10 slots, five are allocated to women.

Registered startups and MSMEs in Lumbini province beyond the ideation phase and in

operation and whose product and services are introduced in the market with basic features (minimal viable product) are encouraged to apply.

The incubation program is a part of Roots of Circularity (RoC) Project, a four year long project funded by the European Commission. It is led by Impact Hub Association (IHA) in collaboration with Impact Hub Kathmandu (IHK) and Wildlife Conservation Nepal (WCN) that aims to cultivate a Circular Economy (CE) ecosystem in Nepal.

Under the project, 60 MSMEs across the Lumbini and Bagmati Provinces will be provided with support towards innovative circular business models. Every single year 10 enterprises from each province will be selected for an incubator program. 

For detailed information on the incubation program on eligibility criteria, program structure, and application guidelines, find the terms of reference here.


To apply, fill out the Google Form: