Youth and Small Business Employment Fund


Youth and Small Business Employment Fund (YSEF) was established by Government of Nepal (GoN) with the initiative to discourage the brain drain from lack of capital and make capital arrangememts necessary to promote and build opportunity for the local businesses .


- The fund provides training programs such orientaton, capacity development and skill development.
- Provision of loan for individuals at the age of 18-60 (with the letter of intent), banks and financial institutions.
- Fund seeks to monitor the area of self employment, feasibility studies, status and investment of BFI's in providing loans and also the state of utilization of loans.
- The Fund provides loans to banks, financial institutions, and cooperatives at a maximum annual interest rate of 5.5%. These institutions then lend to individuals at rates up to 8%. The Fund reimburses 60% of the interest paid as a grant if borrowers make regular installment payments as per the loan agreement.

- Ministry of Youth and Sports
- Government of Nepal (GoN)

The fund targets people from marginalized groups, which includes womens, Dalits, indigeneous groups and people with disabilities. While seemingly supporting self employment, commercial farming, agro- based industries and service industries.